• Sandy Cheng 🇨🇳
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  • 7 Must-Have Chinese Apps & Websites to Boost Your Reading and Listening Skills

7 Must-Have Chinese Apps & Websites to Boost Your Reading and Listening Skills

Today let me recommend 7 websites/apps that offer a variety of content that can help you improve your reading and listening skills in real-world contexts. Don’t forget to use the Zhongwen browser extension that can help you quickly translate the characters that you are still unfamiliar with.


1. 豆瓣 (Douban)

  • Website: Douban

  • Why it's useful: A cultural hub where users discuss books, movies, music and more. It's a great platform to read reviews, opinions, and cultural discussions in Chinese.

  • 推荐理由:一个讨论电影,书籍和音乐的文化社区。在豆瓣不仅可以阅读他人的影评,也可以在评论区和别人一起用中文交流。

2. 哔哩哔哩 (Bilibili)

  • Website: Bilibili

  • Why it's useful: A video-sharing platform with content ranging from anime to educational videos. It’s great for practicing listening with Chinese subtitles and watching videos about popular movies, shows, music, and trends.

  • 推荐理由:哔哩哔哩是一个弹幕视频分享网站。动画,电影,游戏和课程等等相关的内容都可以在这里找到。

3. 喜马拉雅 (Ximalaya)

  • Website: Ximalaya

  • Why it's useful: A massive audio platform with podcasts, audiobooks, and other spoken content. It’s perfect for improving listening skills, with content on various topics.

  • 推荐理由:它是一个音频分享平台,在这里你可以找到播客,有声书以及其他形式的音频节目。内容也是涵盖各类主题,非常适合用来练习中文听力。

4. 网易云音乐 (NetEase Cloud Music)

  • Website: NetEase Cloud Music

  • Why it's useful: A popular music streaming service in China with a very active comment section. It’s great for finding new Chinese songs, but also good for reading casual written Chinese.

  • 推荐理由:一个带有评论区的中文音乐平台,不仅可以听到喜欢的中文歌,也可以看其他听友的乐评。

5. 小红书 (Xiaohongshu)

  • Website: Xiaohongshu

  • Why it's useful: A social media platform focused on lifestyle and shopping. It features user-generated content, making it good for learning about everyday life and practicing casual Chinese.

  • 推荐理由:一个年轻人分享生活方式的社交平台,在小红书你能学到地道的口语表达。

6. 下厨房 (Xiachufang)

  • Website: Xiachufang

  • Why it's useful: A popular platform in China where people share and find recipes, along with cooking tips. It’s perfect for reading about Chinese food and learning cooking-related words. The comments section is also full of everyday Chinese conversation.

  • 推荐理由:这是一款分享食谱的软件,很多美食爱好者在下厨房学习,分享美食。这个软件不仅会帮助你了解中国菜,也能在评论区学到日常口语对话。

7. 七猫小说 (Qimao Novel)

  • Website: Qimao Novel

  • Why it's useful: A popular platform for reading Chinese web novels. It offers a wide range of genres, from romance to fantasy. It’s a great way to practice reading, with lots of interesting stories, everyday language, and common phrases.

  • 推荐理由:一个很受欢迎的中文网络小说阅读平台,这里有海量的小说供你选择,适合中高级汉语学习者作为练习阅读的工具。

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