My Chinese Music Spotify Playlists

One of the best ways to learn a new language is to listen to songs in the target language. However, finding Chinese songs that you actually enjoy might be a challenge, as Chinese music is not as popular as Kpop or Jpop/Jrock outside Chinese-speaking countries, even though there are just as many great Chinese artists out there.


If you want to find Chinese songs that you like, one of the best resources is Spotify. I’ve put together a playlist of some of my favorite Chinese songs for you. However, our music tastes might differ, so I also asked my husband to create a playlist for you. His music taste is quite different from mine, and his playlist features more Taiwanese bands and has a more rock-oriented style, while mine mainly consists of pop songs.


Here are the playlists:


Learning Chinese from Chinese songs might feel intimidating at first. So, it’s important to find songs that you actually enjoy listening to. Hopefully, you find a few in these two lists that you can save to your own Spotify playlists. If you like any of these artists or bands, check out their profile pages to see other recommended songs or artists. The more artists and songs you save and listen to, the better recommendations you will get from the algorithm. I find Spotify’s algorithm quite good, and I almost always find new songs that I enjoy based on their recommendations.


But how can you use these songs to learn Chinese? I suggest that you look up the lyrics of the songs that you enjoy. Spotify used to provide lyrics for free, but lately, they require you to sign up for Premium (at least in my region) to view the lyrics. A way to get around this is to simply type the name of the band and the song in Google, along with the word 歌词 gēcí (lyrics).


After you have the lyrics in front of you, use the free Zhongwen Google Extension to move the cursor over the characters that you don’t understand while listening to the song. It will show you the characters’ pinyin and meaning. (You can read how to install and use Zhongwen in one of my earlier newsletters: DOWNLOAD ZHONGWEN.) Soon, you’ll be able to understand what the song is about without needing to look at the lyrics.


Happy listening,



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